Dolphin Trainer Onboarding Checklist

Do you need a Dolphin Trainer onboarding checklist but don’t where to start? Buy our expertly crafted chronological checklist – 40 items of best-practice action items from preboarding to first day to future reviews – in Word/Docs format and save yourself over 2 hours of research, writing, and formatting. Trusted by some of the world’s leading companies, this checklist is ready for instant download to ensure nothing gets missed & to streamline the onboarding of your Dolphin Trainer in their new job.

Onboarding Checklist Details →

Dolphin Trainer Onboarding Process

Are you looking for help setting up a staff orientation process so that when your new Dolphin Trainer starts their role, they can learn about their responsibilities and your company as quickly as possible? Whether you’re keen to use buddy onboarding, want to automate your Animal Care onboarding experience or just need an onboarding checklist for your new Dolphin Trainer, you’re in the right place. We’ve put together a sample Dolphin Trainer onboarding checklist below and have created onboarding templates & resources to help.

Dolphin Trainer Onboarding Checklist

1. Orientation: The new dolphin trainer attends an orientation session to learn about the company’s mission, values, and policies. This task is typically performed by the HR department or a designated trainer.

2. Facility Tour: The trainer is given a comprehensive tour of the animal care facility, including the dolphin pools, medical area, and training facilities. This task is usually performed by a senior trainer or supervisor.

3. Safety Training: The new trainer undergoes safety training to understand the potential risks associated with working with dolphins and learn the necessary safety protocols. This task is typically conducted by the safety officer or a designated trainer.

4. Animal Behavior Training: The trainer receives training on dolphin behavior, communication, and training techniques. This task is performed by experienced trainers or the head trainer.

5. Animal Care Protocols: The new trainer is educated on the specific care protocols for dolphins, including feeding schedules, medical treatments, and hygiene practices. This task is usually performed by the head trainer or a senior trainer.

6. Equipment Familiarization: The trainer is introduced to the various tools and equipment used in dolphin training, such as target poles, whistles, and feeding buckets. This task is typically performed by a senior trainer or supervisor.

7. Shadowing: The new trainer shadows experienced trainers to observe and learn the daily routines, training sessions, and interactions with dolphins. This task is performed by senior trainers or designated mentors.

8. Training Documentation: The trainer learns how to maintain accurate training records, including progress reports, behavior logs, and medical records. This task is usually taught by the head trainer or a senior trainer.

9. Emergency Procedures: The new trainer is trained on emergency procedures, including evacuation plans, first aid, and emergency response protocols. This task is typically conducted by the safety officer or a designated trainer.

10. Team Collaboration: The trainer is introduced to the team members and encouraged to participate in team-building activities to foster collaboration and a positive work environment. This task is usually organized by the HR department or team leaders.

11. Performance Expectations: The trainer is provided with clear performance expectations, including goals, targets, and evaluation criteria. This task is typically discussed by the head trainer or supervisor.

12. Continuing Education: The trainer is informed about opportunities for professional development, such as workshops, conferences, and certifications, to enhance their skills and knowledge in dolphin training. This task is usually communicated by the HR department or the head trainer.

13. Animal Welfare Training: The trainer receives training on animal welfare principles, ethical considerations, and the company’s commitment to providing a safe and enriching environment for the dolphins. This task is typically performed by the head trainer or a designated animal welfare officer.

14. Interdepartmental Collaboration: The trainer is introduced to other departments within the company, such as veterinary services, animal nutrition, and maintenance, to understand their roles and foster collaboration. This task is usually organized by the HR department or department heads.

15. Performance Reviews: The trainer participates in regular performance reviews to assess their progress, address any concerns, and set goals for future development. This task is typically conducted by the head trainer or supervisor

Setting Up Your Employee Onboarding Process

From reading through the items in the example Dolphin Trainer checklist above, you’ll now have an idea of how you can apply best practices to getting your new Dolphin Trainer up to speed and working well in your Animal Care team. Scroll up to see the link to our onboarding templates & resources or get in touch to discuss getting help setting up your systems and processes in this area.

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